Konco - Konco

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Beauty Of Bureaucracy


A term that raises uncomfortable situations. Everyone has been aware of bureaucracy and is often associated with the government. Quite painful.

There is no an 'end' with bureaucracy. Since I first entered the field work of this government, I often face problems simply because of the bureaucracy. I've to wait until 4 to 5 days just to get the graffiti of signatures. Then, at the end...I'll be blamed.

Sometimes I was also thinking of leaving the service. Not because I don't have the potential and capability in carrying out the instructions given, but because of bureaucracy. But don't worry .. I'll keep trying to face it to ensure that my life objectives will be achieved and I'm able to serve for the sake of nation, religion and country.

Changes are needed along with the times. The present generation should think about improving the service phase. We are no longer located in the old notch, but in modern times that requires us to be more productive and efficient in ensuring the best services. Bureaucracy is great ... as long as it doesn't inconvenience everyone and do not neglect the proper assistance.

Think about it.

Maro says: " Got headache when thinking about the uncertainties in my life'..aduyai!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Its good to shut up sometimes".

"its good to shut up sometimes"..

This quote is hilarious to me..Haha
But its serious!, though it is good to shut up sometimes. Often we're too quick to react or reply in anger or upset. Often we say things we later regret...things that hurt other people. I've learned that sometimes shutting up, pondering things and cooling down is teh best way to go. Trust me!!

Another words..

"When doing becomes infused with the timeless quality of Being, that is the success".

Hurm...what can i say?? Keep thinking....

Ok.. being lost in ur mind, or being ego-oriented has to do with being attached to forms...things...circumstances. Somehow being lost in BEING has to do with being aware that what you are is consciousness. It has to do with being present in the moment, not tied to external things, not focused solely on the doing and striving for success in outward things. Doing comes from BEING. Its infused with BEING..

da answer is...that's SUKSES!!!

Maro says: "Remember, u're braver than u believe, stronger that u seem and smarter than u think"..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hijrah & Pengorbanan

Salam Maal Hijrah kuucapkan buat semua. Didoakan semuga hidup ini dilimpahkan rahmat dan barakah dan semoga kisah penghijrahan Nabi Allah Muhamad S.A.W akan menjadi tauladan dan ikutan kita semua. InsyaAllah.

Ingat masa sekolah rendah dulu, tiap2 kali sambutan Maal Hijrah kami akan nyanyi lagu Hijrah. Hijrah itu pengorbanan! Hijrah itu perjuangan! Hijrah itu persaudaraan! Hijrah membentuk perpaduan! (PENGORBANAN + PERJUANGAN + PERSAUDARAAN = PERPADUAN). Suatu lirik yang membawa seribu maksud dan sejuta pengertian. Bagi sesetengah pihak, ia sekadar menjadi siulan dibibir takkala ada pihak yang menghayati erti disebaliknya. Aku?

Bila berbicara soal PENGORBANAN. Korban! Sacrifice! Mengalah! Bantu! Lepaskan! Kos Lepas!. Huh..juga memiliki pelbagai andaian n pengertian. Sanggup ke kita berkorban? Secara skemanya demi bangsa, agama dan negara? Tapi kalau secara peribadi, sanggup ke kita berkorban untuk memastikan orang sekeliling kita bahagia? Juga untuk pastikan matlamat kita menjadi nyata...sedangkan pada ketika kita memiliki pilihan berganda-ganda...

Itulah permasalahannya. HIJRAH means berubah dari satu keadaan baik kepada keadaan yang bertambah baik. Tapi satu2 ketika, aku agak susah untuk melakukan perubahan. Aku suka dan aku sayang cara dan kehidupan yang sedia ada. Kesudahannya bila akan aku capai matlamat yang telah sekian lama aku sematkan dalam hati aku ini.

No LiFe! Haha (tetibe aku ketawa). No LiFe!. Satu ungkapan untuk aku disaat ini. Tuntutan kerjaya memerlukan untuk aku lupakan kehidupan lama aku. Kerjaya yang telah aku jangka berkeadaannya begini. Tapi inilah yang mengingatkan aku soal HIJRAH. Soal BERUBAH. Soal BERKORBAN. Tidak sebegitu mudah untuk berhijrah. Tersalah pilihan terlepas semua. Apa aku merapik ni???....

Maro says: "Satu Muharram detik permulaan...Life must Go oN"


Bon Anniversaire!!

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